Friday, July 5, 2019


 The world right now is struggling with boundaries. What justifies a boundary if we are all part of the same human race?  The truth is this question is an old question.  It was brought up originally by Korach when he challenged Moses and Aaron's leadership. He asked them, 'aren't we all holy?'  Why are you creating a hierarchy, a type of boundary between us? And ultimately, this really relates to a more fundamental question overall- does G-d have any boundaries?

Image result for boundariesWhat I mean is that people travel for thousands of miles to pray at the Western Wall as if to say that their prayers are more likely to be heard there. But that seems heretical! It implies that there is a limitation to G-d in that if we were back in the United States, somehow the prayer wouldn't be heard as clearly? Is G-d not in the US as much as in Israel?

The answer to this question, and all difficult questions is that both sides are correct.  G-d is, from an objective perspective, everywhere at the same level. However, with respect to our perceptions of it, this is not the case.  We feel different at the Kotel and treat it differently.  This is positive as it promotes internal awareness that places are not subjectively equal and makes us think about where we are and its significance.  If we lived in a world we treated completely equal the necessity for awareness and thought would go out the window.

This also manifests in the correct vision for a peaceful world. Is the best vision for peace the erasure of boundaries and to turn a blind eye to perceived differences? Or, is the best vision for all to embrace their differences and realize that within difference comes a special purpose and so long as my purpose doesn't interfere with your purpose we can establish peace together? The Torah's answer is the latter.  For now, the vision of life we want is not sameness but that each person should have a unique role.  That creates a richer peace and one that is achieved through true thinking about what one's place is in the world. So are we all holy? Of course. But that doesn't mean we are all the same and need to have the same role.