Friday, December 14, 2012

To be or not to be

As the days and hours slowly fly by to birth day, I have to ask myself, is it fair to bring a new life into this world?  Now, I don’t mean this in a pejorative sense that society today is too immoral or the world too dangerous. I mean this much more essentially- should human beings exist at any point in history?[1] This is not my query.  It is a question that was debated vigorously in what is now modern day Iraq. Long before the quarrel between the house of Capulet and Montague, there was a quarrel between the house of Shammai and Hillel. 

For over two and a half years, they traded intellectual barbs in an attempt to convince the other party that their side was correct. One side said, ‘it would have been easier for man not to have been created than to have been created. While the other side said, ‘it is easier for man to have been created more than not having been created’.  Finally, the debate came to a close and it was decided, ‘it is easier for man not to have been created, than to have been created, but now that he already exists, he should examine his general deeds and some say examine the quality of his good deeds’. How do we understand this debate and what is its message

  Both sides agree that the creation of the world was for our good.  What they disagree on is whether a human being can use his intellect or his faith to perceive that the world is good for him.  Why should a person need to understand why the world is good? It shapes our entire approach to life.  The primary tactic of the evil inclination is to say that success is impossible, and therefore, we should give up. It is an effective tactic to use because the proof is all around.  How many spiritually successful people do we see walking in the streets? How many role models are there that have true self-control and clarity of purpose?  Therefore, these intimidation tactics work and keep us complacent, and the real debate is what to do.

The house of Hillel approaches life through the idyllic lens of loving kindness that looks to spread wherever it can. Therefore, they see that they can spread love in easy situations and develop that love to more difficult situations.  If we start with easy steps and see successes, we build up the confidence to silence the evil inclination as there is no reason to give up in the face of triumph.  However, the house of Shammai approaches life through the practical lens of limitation.  Every action we do could be better; our finitude keeps getting in the way.  True success is far away and always will be. From this side, the evil inclination has ample opportunity to wreak havoc and make our lives difficult.

After much debate, it was decided that the struggle is great and man will always see success as far way. For this reason, the best chance man has is to control what he can as best he can since there is no alternative.  And that is deepest lesson we have from this.  When a man is cornered and sees no other choice that is when he is at his best.  That is the lesson during these days of Channukah as well. The Jews were cornered and threatened with spiritual extinction.  That brought out their best inner ‘oil’.  Oil is the precious stuff that comes out after much pressure.  If we view life like we are in a fight for our very survival, it brings out our best, and that makes everything worth it. 


[1] Based on Rav Dessler Channukah Chelek ב

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