Friday, April 14, 2017

Matzah, our baby food

As we pass the midpoint of Passover it could be some of us are tiring from our new eating habits.  One facebook update summed it up best, ’The kosher struggle is real. Passover is a difficult time for me. EVERYTHING I eat on a daily basis contains rice, wheat, flour, etc. 
I'M SO HUNGRY, HELP! ‘ Now is a good time to get another idea to carry us home.
Image result for baby food                The reason Jews tend to go to extreme lengths in their Passover preparation is because the verse in the Torah with respect to Passover is different.  It says one shouldn’t consume even a trace amount of chometz or leaven. When it comes to most mitzvoth we determine a generous amount until one has officially transgressed the prohibition of eating non-Kosher food but not here.  Why the difference? 
                The midrash relates that the exodus from Egypt was similar to a birth from an animal.  Perhaps, the major hall mark of a new born is how sensitive their stomachs are.  They can breathe easily, see, and hear, but digestion takes time.  The first few months of feeding is no simple matter.  With my colicky second, each feeding came with a half and hour of gaseous screams.  As the baby develops, food needs to be introduced slowly to assure there are no allergic reactions. Further, it is crucial that food be soft with no peel left on the outside.   On Passover, we recreate this initial stage of life where what we eat needs to be just perfect (obviously spiritually as Matzah is anything but soft!).  Leavening is related to the evil inclination and externality- it is akin to a peel.  We need to remove all traces of leavening for a week as we relate to our deepest sense of self.  After that is established we can introduces heartier substances.  With that in mind, eat carefully as digestion takes time to develop!  

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